How to Write a Blog Post

A blog post on how to write a blog post…does it get any more meta than that?

Writing blogs can provide a great opportunity to promote your business. According to content marketing research, businesses with blogs produced 67% more leads per month than those who didn’t blog.

They can help you connect with customers, who can give direct feedback. Sharing your knowledge and expertise can also prove valuable to the customer experience. There’s also the added benefit of driving more traffic to your website and improving your writing skills.

But where do you start?

There are plenty of blog post formats you can use to communicate your ideas to readers, including listicles, news articles, interviews, reviews and how-to guides. You can even write a personal blog based on your own experiences. The possibilities are endless.

Here’s a simple, foolproof guide on how to write a blog post:

  1. Brainstorm ideas

Before writing a blog post, ask yourself: What do customers want to hear more about? What issues concern them?

Gauge interest by conducting some market research: Create an online survey or reach out to customers via social media. Look at other blogs: What makes them stand out? What topics do they discuss? Observe how they interact with their readers and the type of feedback they receive from them. Also, make a note of their visual appeal.

It’s also wise to invest in a strong content marketing strategy by writing the kind of content that educates, entertains and inspires. Choose two or three objectives you hope to achieve (e.g. gain 500 more Twitter followers over the next three months). Equip readers with the right information to solve their problem or identify a problem they didn’t even know they had. This is the key to creating an attention-getting blog topic. 

  1. Identify your target audience

Who is your blog for, exactly?

It’s important to consider just who will be reading your blog post. Again, ask yourself: Who might read this? How will I stand out from the crowd? Will my post provide the answers people are looking for?

Is your business focused on food? You might just attract foodies and amateur chefs to your content, people looking for easy recipes or exciting new flavours on the market.

Work in an arts-related field like fashion or graphic design? A younger demographic heavily connected to sites like TikTok or Instagram might be interested in your blog post.

Defining your target audience helps to ensure that you’re creating the right content for the right people. It also helps to increase monetisation and to better understand how your readers think and feel.

  1. Develop a draft

Once you’ve chosen a topic, you can begin to create an outline. This is also where you’ll do your research.

Confine this to legitimate sources such as news articles, business analysis, peer-reviewed papers, and other industry blogs. Provide evidence for your claims – don’t mislead readers or make promises about your product or service that you cannot keep. Writing the first draft will allow you to carefully organise your ideas into a more coherent body of work, and to check for any errors or inconsistencies. Learn how to write a blog post by reading other people’s blogs. How do they hook readers in? How do they structure a post? What tone of voice do they use?

You also need to come up with an eye-catching title for your blog post, something that will pique readers’ interest but is still informative and to the point. Avoid clickbaity headlines that promise more than they can actually deliver. Not only will this turn readers off, but it looks cheap and unprofessional. Use your blog post title to teach readers something new and to provide valuable insight into your business. Try out Wix’s free title generator for some inspiration and ideas for creating titles for your blog content.

  1. Create a blog

Now that you’ve drafted your blog post, it’s time to properly set up your blog.

There are plenty of web hosting platforms to choose from, including WordPress, Squarespace, Weebly, GoDaddy and Wix.

Although a free blog might seem like the simpler solution, it really pays to upgrade to a paid blog. A free blog involves a sub-domain and will limit your web hosting choices. A paid blog, however, lets you establish your own web hosting domain, giving your blog instant credibility. You also maintain control over your blog’s name, aesthetic and the way it’s organised. You can even have access to tools, plugins and other resources to help enhance your blog’s reach.

After you’ve signed up, it’s time to choose a blog theme. Find a layout that’s tasteful and fits your business’ image. Avoid garish colour schemes so it’s easier on readers’ eyes, and apply the same colour palette to your blog logo.

A well-organised table of contents can also make a huge impact. Not only does it present a nice clean layout, but it also makes it easier for readers to find specific information, and can improve bounce rates and on-page time.

  1. Write and publish your blog post

With your research completed and your target audience identified, you can now start writing your blog post.

Typically, a blog post – like most forms of writing – consists of an introduction, a body of text and a conclusion. Try to capture your readers’ attention with a killer opening line: Ask a question, cite a statistic or use an analogy or metaphor. Split your post up into short paragraphs and subheadings in bold text to make it easier to read (like this post). You can even use a numbered list or bullet points to succinctly communicate your ideas. Make sure that your blog format is easy to read on a mobile device.

When blog writing, it’s also important to propose solutions. Readers are counting on you to guide them through your chosen topic and to confront issues in a certain amount of depth, presented in a way that’s clear, concise and well-sourced. Avoid anecdotal evidence, but try to make your blog writing feel personal.

Incorporating SEO into your blog writing can also help to drive up traffic. Research SEO trends and compare your blog post with top-ranking results on Google and other search engines to ensure your post appears near the top.

Images can also help make a blog post pop. Make sure that they’re relevant to the topic and pay close attention to your featured image – this will be the one that pulls readers in.

And, of course, always, always proofread before you hit ‘publish’!

  1. Promote your blog post

There are several ways to promote your blog post so it reaches a wider audience.

Tell friends, family and colleagues about your blog post and encourage them to share it with others. Post a link to it on social media, and even advertise it on YouTube and TikTok.

Don’t forget to add hashtags and engage with your followers. Create a dialogue by replying to their comments. Add links to your business’s social media at either the top or bottom of your blog post, so readers can stay up to date.

Find other blogs that relate to your industry and leave constructive feedback, hopefully translating into strong relationships with other bloggers in the future.

Post regularly – create a schedule and stick to it. Most bloggers will start off with at least one new post a week. If you fail to capitalise on growth, then your follower count might begin to dwindle.

  1. Propose effective marketing strategies

Running a blog can be quite costly if you decide to host a custom domain. That’s why writing blog posts can be an excellent way to earn money, which you can put back into the running of your site.

Monetise your blog posts by advertising your products and services at the bottom of the page. Publish sponsored content and generate income through advertising by signing up to Google AdSense. Offer subscription-based services or content exclusive to members.

Affiliate marketing can also provide a healthy revenue stream, where readers can click on a link that redirects them to another site. If they end up buying a product you’ve endorsed through that site, then you end up earning a commission on that sale.

The more popular your blog becomes, the more you earn.

Great Blog Writing Examples

There are millions of great blog writing examples out there to draw inspiration from when it comes to writing your own blog post.

Squarespace’s blog, Making It, is a valuable resource for people wanting to create their own website, offering ‘stories and solutions for the modern entrepreneur.’

Posts are split into four categories (On Trend, Makers, Know, Videos), emphasised by clean lines, bold graphics and high-quality photos. Information is accessible, entertaining and well-researched. Because the layout is so uncluttered, each element is given enough room to breathe and looks sleek and stylish at the same time.

Like Squarespace, Canva’s Learn blog also provides useful tips, information and advice to help new and experienced bloggers achieve their design goals.

The Sydney-based company writes about a wide range of topics, including social media, colour branding, photo editing, font psychology, and logo design, all neatly organised and set against a minimalist background. They also report regularly on educational and non-profit initiatives.

The blog’s layout is fresh, clean and easy to navigate, with each section clearly labelled. Colourful graphics and stunning photography also help to create a friendly atmosphere for readers.

Pinch of Yum, meanwhile, is a charming food blog from Minnesota with a huge following. Written in an open and inviting manner, it’s filled with tasty recipes, made all the more enticing with mouthwatering photos of cookies, cakes, pasta, burgers and soups.

Not only is it a sumptuous visual feast for readers, but it also gives the blog a nice warm and cosy feel, evoking feelings of fun and nostalgia. The blog’s layout is also highly organised, with sections dedicated to instant pot recipes, pasta recipes, vegan recipes, frozen meal recipes and more.

Pinch of Yum is also incredibly social media savvy. Popups remind readers to follow them on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest, and it also posts sponsored content, working with such brands in the past as Google, Aldi and Chobani. You can even follow the blog owner’s 10-year journey to full-time blogging, helping to inspire others.

So Now That You Know How to Write a Blog Post…

It’s time to get to it!

Writing a blog post takes a lot of practice. It might seem daunting at first, but it might also help boost your business in the long run by increasing sales, building up brand awareness and making customers feel heard. Expanding your professional network is also a plus, helping you connect with others.

Remember: Be authentic, be unique and be honest. The more effort you put into your blog, the more chance it has for success.  

Get in touch for blog writing help

If you don’t have the time or interest in blog writing, we can assist you with our content writing services

Fintech SEO: Getting More Customers through SEO for Fintech

Search engine optimisation (SEO) can be an effective way to get more site visitors and sell your fintech products or services. If you are considering SEO for financial services of fintech, here are some ideas to consider when developing an SEO strategy and considering an SEO agency for financial services. We also provide a case study of how we helped one fintech business increase the non-brand organic visits by around five times by creating high-quality SEO content. 

Start with content marketing strategies

There are many facets to getting high Google search results when pursuing fintech SEO. Ranking factors such as link building and web pages with fast loading speed are important but these come later in the game. Start by thinking about your target audience and what’s important to them. Next conduct keyword research to determine the search volumes for keywords. Before you create content, you will want to choose the keywords with the highest search volumes. 

For example, if your fintech provides invoice finance, the keyword invoice finance has 720 searches per month on average. There are many other keywords to choose from but many have lower search volumes, such as invoice finance charges with 90 searches per month and fast invoice finance with only 10 searches per month on average. While it’s best to go after the keywords with the highest search volumes, you will also want to consider the keyword difficulty (how hard it is to rank on the first page in organic search results). In this case, all these three keywords have a similar keyword difficulty of around 40 out of 100. 

If you have a choice between a very competitive word with high search volume and a moderately competitive word with medium search volume, you might want to focus on the easier one for a short-term win, and choose the other keyword for the long term, as it will take longer to rank for this keyword. 

Create high-quality content for fintech SEO

The next step is to create content that supports SEO optimisation. The keywords you choose for each page will determine the length of the content and the related keywords (semantic) keywords to use. Using a program like the SEMrush SEO Writing Assistant will tell you how many words should be on the page and the related keywords to use for search engine optimization. 

The content on each page will depend on the type of page. A landing page will be more sales focused, highlighting the features and benefits of your products or services. If the content will be on your blog, it will be more informational. The content marketing strategy with your blog content is to get people on your website and eventually look around at your product or service pages. Using our invoice finance example, your blog content could include information on related subjects, such as accounts receivable and cash flow. Of course, you will want to optimise the content for these terms to rank well in search results. 

Using a program like SEMrush will show you what your competitors are ranking for. These will include commercial, transactional and informational keywords. Once you know what keywords other financial service companies are ranking for, you can choose some of these to compete with or find others that you want to rank for.  

On-page SEO

Once you’ve created the content that’s optimised for the keywords used, you are set to publish it on your website. This will include creating a meta-title and meta description that’s also optimised for search engines. Yoast is a helpful WordPress plug-in that guides you through publishing SEO-friendly website content. It covers important parts of on-page SEO, such as including alt-tags in the images used on the page and having the right number of words for the page’s meta-title and meta-description. It will also warn you if you are using the keywords too many times. 

Off-page SEO

Once you have written and uploaded suitable content for fintech SEO, the next step is off-page SEO. While there are several steps to off-page SEO, two of the most important are link building and social media. With link building, you will want to find websites with high domain rankings (also called domain authority) to link from. This can be a challenge because many of the typical sites for link building, such as directory sites, have low domain ratings. 

Fintech SEO mistakes to avoid

From my experience with fintech SEO, here are several mistakes to avoid. If you’re looking for an SEO agency for financial services, keep these in mind.

Not being clear with current results and targets

A good SEO agency will be truthful about where you currently stand. One writing for a fintech company, I was part of the process of selecting an SEO agency. Having access to the current website results, I noticed that several of these had provided incorrect data to make it look like the fintech was not getting good SEO results. For example, they said that 75% of the visitors to the site were coming in through branded (company name) content when it was actually 25% who were finding the site through branded content.

Another SEO company put this fintech behind in search results compared to several competitors when it was substantially outperforming these competitors. Given these dishonest practices, it’s not surprising that many SEO experts have a bad reputation. 

Not choosing the right keywords for fintech SEO

The keywords chosen should have high enough search volumes to justify optimising pages for them. If a keyword only has 10 searches per month on average, it’s probably not worth pursuing. Also, it’s okay to choose highly competitive keywords, but it should be made clear that it will take time and will be difficult to rank highly for these. 

Not focusing on creating new,  SEO-optimised content

For the best outcomes for fintech SEO, you’ll want to continuously add new content. Even if it’s one article per week, well-planned content will boost your site visits over time. 

Using blackhat SEO techniques

Using dodgy backlinking can get you penalised by Google and will cost you in the long run. Be clear with any agency offering fintech SEO, that you will not tolerate this. 

SEO for fintech case study

Here’s a graph from one fintech we created SEO content for. Over three years, between July 2018 and September 2021, we wrote more than 300 articles for their blog. The result was a fivefold increase in website visitors. This was combined with some backlinking but the main focus was creating SEO content. While there were ups and downs along the way, the overall trend with up over time, resulting in a fivefold increase in organic website visitors over three years.

seo for fintech

Questions about fintech SEO

We’ll be glad to discuss your questions about SEO for fintech and how we can help with SEO content. Please call us on 1300 731 955 or send us an email

Also, check out our article on SEO Cost and SEO Packages in Australia

SEO Packages Australia: My Experience of SEO Cost

If you’re considering SEO packages in Australia, there are a number of factors to consider. Here I’ll share my experiences with SEO services and SEO prices in Australia. I will explain the pitfalls of SEO packages and how I became a search engine optimisation specialist who helps small businesses increase their organic traffic. We’ll also examine the subject of SEO cost. 

Pay-per-click advertising vs SEO cost

I started Word Nerds in 2004 with a very low budget. Digital marketing was a new field at the time and my first effort was to use Google AdWords for content marketing. When I first started, it wasn’t highly competitive. In fact, the price per click was as low as $0.15 per keyword. As time went on, more competitors entered the field and made it more competitive. For a time, it was around $2.00 per click for Google pay-per-click advertising. A few years later, it was around $4.00 per click on average. 

As a result, the return on investment was not as good as in the early days. In addition, Google had changed the layout of their search page that made it less effective for small businesses. In the past, there were two to three ads at the top of the page and many along the side of the page. You could get clicks for a lower price even if your ad was on the side of the page. Google changed this so that ads only appear at the top or bottom of the page. 

Cheap SEO services aren’t so cheap – hiring my first SEO company

In these circumstances, I turned to my first SEO agency for help. At only $250 per month, they offered affordable SEO services. Their SEO work improved the ranking of many SEO keywords in the short term. I even picked up a few clients overseas, including a German pharmaceutical company and a Greek cosmetics business. But then it went wrong. 

Google introduced their first Penguin update in April 2012 and the website traffic was cut in half overnight. This was because many of the backlinks were considered to be toxic by Google, which wasn’t an issue until the first Penguin update.

A new SEO company with moderate SEO pricing

A few years after this experience, I turned to a new SEO company. Their SEO pricing was okay, at around $800 per month. They were a bit slow getting started but it turned out to be quality SEO that showed improvement to keyword rankings which lead to enquiries and new customers.  This SEO company fixed some of the damage caused by the previous company and the Google update. The SEO campaign worked okay but I was looking for better results and hired a new company around six months later for a higher SEO cost.  

The third SEO agency – high SEO prices in Australia

This agency made big promises about their long-term results. They had good feedback from business owners which made me feel confident in spending $1,300 per month on their SEO package. We agreed on a number of keywords that they would work on and they got started. They sent me a report each month that showed an increase in traffic over time. What I failed to notice was that the backlinks they created were mostly in India. This meant that many of my site visitors were from India when my target market is in Australia. 

Although I was getting increased traffic from Australia, it suddenly dropped after around six months of working with this SEO company. I met with them several times and they promised to change course and turn things around. It didn’t happen. The results were so bad that I had to take a break from the business and run it part-time while taking on an in-house role with a business. 

Later on, I found that someone working for this SEO agency had put links from my website to other websites advertising products like Viagra. In retrospect, I should have sued them for the damage they caused. I have since found there are lawyers who specialise in taking on SEO companies who have ripped off their customers. This shows you how big the problem has become with SEO packages in Australia and overall SEO cost.  

Becoming a full-time SEO content writer and working with another SEO company

Working as a full-time SEO content writer for three years taught me a lot about the ins and outs of search engine optimisation. The first was learning how to write optimised content that ranks highly in Google. This was never something that the SEO companies I worked with talked about. By simply having the right content length and including semantic keywords, I was able to dramatically increase search rankings and website visitors for the company that employed me. Over three years, I help to increase the number of organic (unpaid) visitors to the website by around five times.

During that time, the business hired an SEO company. They paid around $7,500 per month for no results. The first thing I noticed was that this company didn’t understand the target market and what they would be interested in from a content perspective. They also provided false information about the percentage of branded vs unbranded website visitors. (Branded website visitors are those searching for the company name or a variation of the company name.) The SEO company said that the branded visitors were 75% of the total and unbranded were 25%. This meant that most of the people visiting were not finding it from unbranded content, including product and service-related keywords. It turned out that the opposite is true. Three-quarters of the organic visitors came through unbranded content. The lesson is to watch out for what companies tell you when selling SEO packages in Australia. 

SEO pitfalls

These have been my key lessons from working with four companies that offer SEO packages in Australia over a ten-year period. 

  1. Not being clear with current results and targets: some SEO companies don’t give a clear picture of current results and define targets for improvement. People realise that it can take time to get results but being vague about goals and potential results is a way to avoid being responsible for poor results. 
  2. Not choosing the right keywords: keywords should be chosen to attract potential customers but not all SEO companies understand the mindset of the market. For example, one SEO company was recommending abstract articles on subjects such as “stakeholder engagement” and “business lifecycles” when the business was offering business finance solutions.
  3. Not focusing on creating new,  SEO-optimised content: the three SEO companies I hired didn’t mention anything about creating new content to improve SEO results. I later found that good content is crucial for improving search rankings. I now use powerful tools that indicate specific words to use in the content (semantic keywords) and tell me how long the content needs to be for optimising rankings. Some SEO companies have contacted me about writing content for them to help their clients improve page rankings. For example, they have asked me for a 300-word article when an 800-word article was required to get results for the target keywords. 
  4. Using blackhat SEO techniques: These mostly include creating backlinks on low-rated spam sites. Linking from these websites can damage your SEO in the long term. If you do hire an SEO company to create backlinks, make sure they provide a list of all the backlinks they have created. This will enable you to check their work to ensure they are using legitimate websites to link from. 

Although the price range for various SEO companies was between $250 and $7,500 per month, the SEO cost is not always a factor in results. Good SEO requires a number of factors. One of the quickest ways to get results is to improve your content. A blog is the best way to add a large amount of content without going overboard with SEO cost.  

In addition, you can publish long-form content on blog pages, which is not a good idea on your main landing (sales) pages which you want to keep short. With the right approach, you can increase website visitors by creating new optimised content. As a bonus, this content can be used in social media campaigns, so you can get an additional return on investment by getting exposure through social media. 

Learn more in SEO Copywriting ─ Making It Easier for Customers to Find You.

Discuss the options for SEO in Australia

The main criteria for considering SEO packages in Australia is the return on investment. If you can improve rankings and get more site visitors and sales, it could be worth the investment. Your results will depend on many factors, including the number of sales you can close and the profitability of your products or services.

Focusing on SEO content first can be an economical way to begin your SEO campaign. If you’re on social media, you can also distribute the content through these channels and connect with potential customers.  

If you want to discuss SEO content strategies for your website, please call me on 1300 731 955 or use the contact form to get in touch. I will be glad to share a few case studies and share keyword research related to your industry.

Learn more about SEO writing and SEO content writing services.

Michael Gladkoff

SEO Content Writer

Word Nerds