Entries by Michael

Title Case, Sentence Case or All Capitals — Which Should You Use?

First, if you are not familiar with these terms: Title case, or title style, is when you capitalise each word, except for conjunctions, prepositions and articles. For example, the article title above is in title case. Sentence case, or sentence style, is when you capitalise only the first word. For example, Should you use title […]

Writing Email to Connect and Communicate Clearly

Writing email is one of the most common activities in the business environment. Yet too many emails fail to connect and communicate the writer’s desired message. Here are a few tips on writing email to ensure that your messages make an impact and get the results you want. Have a clear subject and subject line […]

Writing an Event Promotion that Gets Results

Are you organising a business event and want to get as many people to it as possible. Writing an effective invitation is the key to filling the room to make the event a success. Here are a few tips to make the invitation – whether it will be an email or hard copy – an effective marketing tool to get more event bookings.

Annual Report Editing – Tips for Editing Annual Reports

An annual report is an important publication for communicating with shareholders, potential investors and the media. From our experience editing and proofreading annual reports since 2004, we have come up with a list of points to keep in mind that will improve the image of the company and effectiveness of the report.

Writing a Company Newsletter to Connect with Your Customers and Build Credibility

Writing a company newsletter and distributing it to you clients and prospects will bring your business many benefits. By writing a newsletter, you will keep them informed about company developments, such as new products and services, and offers. A newsletter will help you maintain regular contact and remind clients about your company at an affordable cost. Writing a newsletter will also build your company’s credibility by showing expertise about your industry.

Why Write Your Speech and Not Improvise?

When asked in advance to speak or make a presentation at an event, an easy way out is to improvise. This might include having a general idea of what to say, creating an outline and then practising the speech a few times. It can work for an experienced and confident speaker, but usually the result would be much better if the speaker had taken the time to write out the words for their speech.