
Groom Speech: Tips for Your Groom Wedding Speech

Your groom speech is an essential part of your big day. It’s time for you to shine in front of your friends and family and share your thoughts about your beautiful bride. Even if you are not an expert in public speaking or an experienced speechwriter, the following tips will help you create a groom wedding speech that will be admired and remembered. 

Groom speech structure

As a first step, here’s a way to organise your speech. If you are looking for a groom speech template, simply copy and paste these steps and fill in the spaces with your unique information (or get in touch and we’ll do it all for you):

  1. Welcome guests. “Speaking on behalf of my wife and me…” Of course, your wife might be speaking also which is more common than it was in the past. 
  2. Mention anyone who has travelled a long way or made a special effort to attend. This might include an elderly relative who made the extra effort to attend despite health issues. 
  3. Thank your best man and the wedding party for their assistance with your wedding plans and help on your special day. Don’t forget to thank others who have helped during the day. It’s also nice to mention the venue and the servers if you think they have done a good job. 
  4. How you got to your wedding day. This can include how you much and major milestones in your relationship, such as how you met, met your new mother-in-law and father-in-law, took a long trip together, and overcame challenges together. The father of the bride will cover the bride’s early life, so you don’t need to mention this time in your groom’s wedding speech. 
  5. Mention your bride’s positive qualities and how you complement each other well. “She’s outgoing, fun, friendly, loyal and considerate. She also is very organised, which will help me overcome some of the chaos I create.” 
  6. Thank your mum and dad and mention the positive influence they had on you. Also mention the bride’s parents and how they raised such a beautiful woman. 
  7. Speak about your bride, the good times you’re looking forward to and how you will spend the rest of your life. “I can honestly say that Luci has made me a better person and I look forward to spending many more happy years with her, continuing our journey and raising a family together.”
  8. Propose a toast to your bride. You can also toast the bridesmaids and maid of honour before offering a toast to your bride.

Groom wedding speech icebreaker

Grooms often ask us if they need a groom speech icebreaker. In general, the groom’s wedding speech is formal but you can include some humour and fun. You don’t necessarily need to do this at the beginning. You can mention any funny stories about things that have happened to you and the best man over the years or humorous stories about meeting and dating your bride. You can always find funny stories to include, but be careful not to embarrass or offend anyone. If you have any doubts about jokes or humour, ask a family member or friend what they think to get another opinion. 

Groom speech ending

The groom wedding speech ending can be the most challenging part. It’s where you show love and support for your new bride with kind words. You want it to be heartfelt but most men don’t what to be ‘mushy’. Of course, this will depend on your personality and how comfortable you are in expressing your emotions in public. 

Here are two examples of groom speech endings to give you some ideas:

“Theresa, you make me feel deeply loved. Ever since we met I’ve been elated and exhilarated. Thank you for having me as your husband and filling me with joy each day.

“Someone once said, “Well married, a man is winged.”  You have given me wings, and I look forward to a bright and happy future together.

“Now, I would like to bring my speech to an end with a toast to my new wife – the love of my life.

“Please be upstanding and raise your glasses –  to Theresa.” 


“And, of course, I’ve saved the best for last: my radiant new wife Nadia.

“Someone once said: love isn’t a noun, it’s a verb. It isn’t something you get, it’s something you do. It’s how you love your partner every day.

“Well, Nadia, I plan on making every day of our lives together better than the day before. Over the last three years, I’ve already fallen in love with you a million times over. You bring order to my chaos, beauty to my world and on top of all that you cook a mean Italian cuisine, one of the true keys to my heart.

“We’ve already been to Japan, Hong Kong, Europe and beyond together. I look forward to sharing many more adventures in the future

“I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.

“Everyone, please join me in toasting my bride: To Nadia.” 

The wedding toast is usually the last thing mentioned, as found in these examples.

Getting help to create a great groom speech

Contact us on 1300 731 955 or email using the form on this page to get assistance with your groom wedding speech. We’ll be glad to discuss wedding day speech requirements. 

Also, here’s some general information on wedding speeches and best man speech tips. 

Groom wedding speech examples

Here’s one of the many groom speech examples we have created for our customers.

Dear family and friends.

On behalf of my wife and I, it gives me great pleasure to stand before you and welcome you to our wedding celebration. (pause)

I have now been married for (look at watch) 50 minutes, and I can say it’s a wonderful institution. (pause)

Thank you, Robert, for those very kind words. Tina and I are grateful to you and Jane for the magnificent reception that you have provided. (clap)

This reception is not as daunting as my first reception with the Johnsons. When I walked through the door, Robert didn’t shake my hand. I thought, “My God, this isn’t going well.” (pause) Much to my great relief, he quickly explained that he had the flu and didn’t want me to catch it.

To make it even more daunting, Tina’s Mum and Dad weren’t the only ones there when I walked into the living room. The whole immediate family was there, including Grandmother, Mickey and Mickey’s dog, Pumpkin.

What put me at ease when first meeting the Johnsons, and what I value greatly, is their strong sense of family (pause).

I can now see how this created the charming, witty, intelligent and forthright woman I fell in love with. Robert and Jane, thank you for Tina. You also raised another wonderful person, Mickey, Tina’s sister. Thank you, Mickey, for all the support as the Maid of Honour.

I also have to say I enjoy the friendly trans – Tasman rivalry with Robert – especially when New Zealand beats the Wallabies.

To my parents, Ben and Michelle. Thank you for all the love and understanding you’ve shown over the years. They say a successful marriage requires falling in love many times – with the same person. My parents, who are celebrating 52 years of marriage this year, are a true example of this.

After I had asked Tina to marry me, I called my parents. My mother was overjoyed and said, “Darling, that’s wonderful news! Your father and I were hoping she was going to be the one.”

Thank you all for joining us in our celebration. My wife and I – I love saying those words – appreciate all the effort you have gone to in sharing our special day, and we’re grateful for your generous gifts.

I do believe that you can value people by the company they keep and the true friendships they have. In this regard, Tina and I are very wealthy people indeed.

Now about Tina and how we met.

Tina and I first met at an investment conference. I was immediately impressed by Tina’s radiant smile and engaging personality. We spoke again the next day and exchanged email addresses. I was overseas on business soon after, and we emailed each other each day. And like old-fashioned love letters, I was captivated by her intelligence, clear thinking and insightfulness.

We had our first date when I returned and had such a lovely time that night. We were the first to arrive and the last to leave the restaurant. We were having such a great conversation that we lost track of time. We only realised it was time to go when they started closing.

As we learned more about each other, I found that we had much in common. We both love the outdoors, learning and the arts. We are both family-oriented. I am overjoyed at how well Tina gets along with and understands my two small daughters, Amber and Beth. Speaking of family, we recently expanded ours with our new dog Max.

(Turn and make eye contact with Tina)

Tina, you make me feel deeply loved. Ever since we met, I’ve been elated and exhilarated. Thank you for having me as your husband and filling me with joy each day.

Someone once said, “Well married, a man is winged.”  You have given me wings, and I look forward to a bright and happy future together.

Now, I would like to bring my speech to an end with a toast to my new wife – the love of my life.

Please be upstanding and raise your glasses – to Tina.



This is a fairly traditional groom speech, but we can customise your speech to match your personal style and the tone of your wedding.